Preview copy of the book Theory of Mind

Introduction: It is very important to support children with auditory impairment in developing ToM skills from an early age. Early guidance and intervention can reduce the likelihood of problems in the future. Children come into contact with social situations at an early age, such as through day care or host parenting. At the start of primary school, social skills are expected of children.

With the release of Theory of Mind – feelings, thoughts and intentions (November 2019), an initial gap in the counselling of children with auditory impairment has been filled. This treatment module, in the form of a ToM training, is aimed at boosting the ToM skills of children in the age group of upper primary education (groups 6, 7 and 8). The training is fully tailored to the target group so that it can have a positive impact on the social well-being of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. In recent years, extensive experience has been gained with this training; the results are promising. Deaf and hard-of-hearing children who have participated together with their parents show progress in their ToM skills. Parents report becoming more aware of the impact the hearing impairment has on their child. They suddenly see seemingly obvious things through a different lens. Thanks to the parenting programme, parents know how they can specifically support their child in everyday situations. They are also more aware of the developmental steps their child is taking.

There is widespread interest in the training from the professional field. The development of a treatment module for children in junior grades 3, 4 and 5 was a logical step for the authors. This has created a continuous line in the treatment offer for children with an auditory disability in primary education. Thereby, the training forms an appropriate connection to the offer of the Early Learning Centres.

This development has resulted in two treatment modules:
• Treatment module 1: Theory of Mind – from yourself to the other;
• Treatment module 2: Theory of Mind – feelings, thoughts and intentions.

The books can be used independently and both contain a theoretical section. To keep the theoretical background in both books as complete as possible, there is overlap in theory in some parts. Treatment module 1 contains an extension in terms of research and literature. This is because the young age of the children requires more grounding in the area of early ToM skills as precursors to ToM development. These also play a greater role in ToMmie training.

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Also available: article Interview “Getting deaf children to participate in participate in social world” in © BATOD Magazine September 2023


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